Anthony's Beehive
Anthony’s Beehive was founded in 1999 after Anthony watched a video with his 3rd grade class that ignited within him a passion for honey bees. After stalling a year, we finally gave in to Anthony’s request and purchased two beehives. Today, Anthony has around 100 hives located in Douglas County Kansas. What makes this business unique is that Anthony was born with developmental disabilities. He is a role model for people with disabilities as well as everyone else. The other thing that makes Anthony’s Beehive special is that it is truly a family affair. Anthony’s mom, dad, and siblings are almost as busy bottling & packaging honey as are his bees. Our business philosophy is based on exceptional service and belief in serving the community, whether it is providing education about bees, supporting other small businesses, or offering quality natural products from the “Heart of the Hive”. We could all take a lesson from Anthony’s diligence, and from the bees that he watches intently as they harvest nectar from the flowers of Northeast Kansas.
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